Practice Solutions
You have put in the hard work to get your practice to where it is today. Let HNI be the support and strategic partner you need to continue to grow your practice to a level of excellence only you would accept.

Foundation Needed for Success
Our goal is to become the preferred hospital value-based care provider in the nation — providing an end-to-end solution across the continuum of care while truly re-engineering hospital medicine to produce better outcomes.
We believe a successful partnership starts with this common vision and a set of shared values. With this foundational alignment, we can grow your practice while still preserving your legacy.
Transforming healthcare with HNI by your side has its perks.
With our people, processes, and technology at your fingertips, you can focus on why you entered medicine— to treat patients— and not the distractions of the necessary but complex business aspects of your practice.
We Protect You
Competitive Edge
in Contracting
and Education
Technical Support
Our Guide to Selling Your Practice
This guide will go over how to identify a strong partner, what to expect during the M&A process, and common questions that we hear from practices such as yourself.